born 1969, Edmonton Alberta, Canada

1998 M.F.A. Studio Arts, Department of Painting and Drawing, Concordia University, Montréal, QC
1994 Guest Student, Printmaking Department, Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste, Hamburg, Germany
1991 B.F.A. Distinction, Department of Fine Art and Design, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
2008 Painting's Edge, Idyllwild, CA. U.S.A.
2005 Cooper Union School of Art Summer Residency, New York, U.S.A.
2001 Slo' Mo' - The Banff Centre for the Arts, October 22 - December 7.
2015 dismantling act, Michael Gibson Gallery, London, ON
2013 loomings, Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary AB

trap doors and trip wire, Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary, AB
[installaintion view 1]
[installaintion view 2]
[installaintion view 3]

2009 fictitious device, Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary, AB
[installaintion view 1]
[installaintion view 2]

[installaintion view 3]

New York Suite, Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary, AB
[installaintion view 1]
[installaintion view 2]

2007 an unfolding sense of order, Art Gallery of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
[installaintion view]
2006 a change in pressure, Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary, AB
[installaintion view]
2005 catalytic mix, Leo Kamen Gallery, Toronto, ON
[installaintion view 1]
[installaintion view 2]
2003 filament, Leo Kamen Gallery, Toronto, ON
2003 turbulent flow, State Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2002 lost horizons, ARTSPACE, Peterborough, ON
2000 candori, Gallery Connexion, Fredricton, NB
2000 La séries candori, maison de la culture Plateau Mont Royal, Montréal, QC
1999 parting wave, espace 412, Grover Building, Montréal, QC
1998 Little Collisions, Bourget Gallery, Montréal, QC
1996 ALCHEMY 1 - Tracking The Imaginal, Harcourt House Gallery, Edmonton, AB
1996 ALCHEMY 2 - Traces of Magic, Fringe Gallery, Edmonton, AB
1995 The Identity Map, Profiles Gallery, St. Albert, AB
2014 Made in Calgary, Glenbow Museum, Calgary AB
2013 Made in Alberta, MOCA Calgary, Calgary, AB.
2012 We Tell Ourselves Stories, Nickle Arts Museum, University of Calgary, Calgary. AB
2012 Just Draw, dc3 Art Projects, Edmonton, AB
2012 New Prints 2012/Winter -  International Print Center New York,  IPCNY, New York, NY, USA

…Pas tout a fait…,  curated by Lon Dubinsky, Stewart Hall Art Gallery, Pointe-Claire, QC

2011 softcore Hard Edge, East and Peggy Phelps Gallery, Claremont, CA, U.S.A.
2010 Roadmap, Nickle Arts Museum, University of Calgary, Calgary. AB
2010 softcore Hard Edge, Art Gallery of Calgary, AB.

VanDeb Editions. 10th Anniversary Show,  VanDeb Edtions, New York, NY, U.S.A.

2009 Cleveland Museum of Art Print Fair, Cleveland, OH. U.S.A

The  Big Gift – new acquisitions, Glenbow Museum, Calgary AB

2008 Publishing Printshops: VanDeb Editions/ Olive Branch Press, Ithica Ink Shop, Ithica, NY. U.S.A.
2008 Painting’s Edge. Riverside Art Museum, Riverside, California, U.S.A.
2007 Group Print Exhibiton, VanDeb Editions Gallery, New York, 
2007 Alberta Biennialle of Contemporary Art - Living Utopia and Disaster, Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, AB - [installaintion view]
2007 2x2, Keyano Art Gallery, Fort McMurray, AB
2006 About Time, Nickle Arts Museum University of Calgary, Calgary, AB
2005 Cooper Union School of Art Residency Exhibition, New York, U.S.A
2004 RBC New Canadian Painting Competition Finalists Touring Exhibition. Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, AB, New Brunswick Museum, Saint John , NB, McMaster Museum of Art, Hamilton, ON, Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto, ON
2004 SummerGroup Exhibition, TrepanierBaer Gallery, Calgary, AB
2002 Fall Group Exhibition, State Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2000 Collection Prét d'œvres d'art. Acquisitions 2000, Musée du Québec, Québec City, QC
2000 light matters, (duo exhibition with Robbin Deyo) McClure Gallery,
Westmount, QC
1999 Les Peintures, (curated by René Blouin and Lilian Rodriguez) Galerie René Blouin/Galerie Lilian Rodriguez, Montréal, QC
1999 BIENNALE du dessin de l'estampe et du papier du Québec, Alma, QC. Catalogue produced.
1998 Breathing Space, (duo exhibition with Robbin Deyo) L'Edifice Belgo, Montréal, QC
1998 PEINTURE PEINTURE, (curated by René Blouin, Gaston St. Pierre and Lilian Rodriguez) L'Edifice Belgo, Montréal, QC
1996 Kaleidoscope - An Alberta Foundation for the Arts Acquisition Exhibition, The McDougell Centre, Calgary, AB
1995 Forty Degrees Celsius - The AGGREGATE EXHIBITION, (curated by Blair Brennan and Geoffry Black) Commerce Place, Edmonton, AB
1994 Atelier '94', Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste, Hamburg, Germany
1991 Exhibition of Finalists (National Competition), Claude Lafitte Gallery, Montréal, QC

Alberta Creative Initiative Development Grant – AFA and Canada Council for the Arts


Alberta Foundation For The Arts Visual Arts Project Grant


Alberta Creative Initiative Development Grant – AFA and Canada Council for the Arts


Alberta Foundation For The Arts Visual Arts Project Grant

2007 Canada Council for the Arts Creation Production Grant, mid career artist
2006  Alberta Foundation For The Arts Visual Arts Project Grant
2004 Western Canadian Finalist RBC New Canadian Painting Competition
2003 Conseil des Arts et des lettres du Québec Travel Grant
2003 Canada Council Travel Grant
2002 Canada Council Creation/Production Grant - emerging artist
2002 Canada Council Travel Grant
2002 Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec Research and Creation Bursary - B Grant
2001 Canada Council Creation/Production Grant - emerging artist
2001 Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec Research and Creation Bursary - B Grant
2001 Canada Council Travel Grant
2001 Louise Muhlstock Scholarship, Banff Centre for the Arts. Banff, AB
2000 Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec Research and Creation Bursary - B Grant
2000 Conseil des Arts et des lettres du Québec Travel Grant
2000 Canada Council Travel Grant
1999 Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec Research and Creation Bursary - B Grant
1995 Alberta Foundation For The Arts Visual Arts Project Grant
1994 Alberta Foundation For The Arts Visual Arts Project Grant
1991 Gallerie Claude Lafitte National Painting Competition, (Second Prize) Montréal, QC
1991 Florence Andison Friedman Scholarship, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
1991 Seven Arts Club Award for Visual Arts, Seven Arts Club, Edmonton, AB
1990 Universiade '83 Scholarship, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
1990 Earl of St. Andrews Chapter Prize in Fine Arts, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
1990 Brian Murchison Drawing Prize, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
1990 Faculty Nominee for Yale/Norfolk Ellen Bartell Scholarship, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

International Print Center New York, New York.


Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, Permanent Collection

  Glenbow Museum, Permanent Collection.

Rutger’s University Permanent Print Collection.

  Nickel Arts Museum, University of Calgary, Calgary.

Talisman Energy, Calgary, Corporate Collection.


Opus Corporation, Calgary, Corporate Collection.


Highpine Oil & Gas, Calgary, Corporate Collection.

  Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Permanent Collection
  Museé de Québec, Collection Pret d'ouveres d'art
  Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Permanent Collection
  Osler, Huskin and Harcourt, Corporate Collection
2011 …Pas tout a fait… essay by Lon Dubinsky, Stewart Hall Gallery.
2010 softcore Hard Edge, essays by David Pagel and Marianne Elder, Art Gallery of Calgary
2008 Carte Blanche, Vol. 2: Painting. Survey of Painting in Canada.  Forward by Jane Urquhart and Clint Roenisch. Magenta Foundation.
2008 10th Anniversary RBC Painting Competition Catalogue,  Royal Bank of Canada.
2007 Living Utopia and Disaster, Alberta Biennale of Art Catalogue, Art Gallery of Alberta and Walter Phillips Gallery.

an unfolding sense of order, written by Alexandra Keim

2002 Lost Horizon, written by Maria Brendel PH.D.
2000 Catelogue de Manif d'art, manifestation internationale d'art de Québec.
1999 Catalogue du Biennale 1999, du dessin, de l'estampe et du papier-matiere du Quebec.
1997 Alberta Foundation for the Arts: Selected 25 years of Alberta art. CD Rom.
2010 Canadian Art, “Close Up” Chris Cran, Summer issue.
2010 Shotgun, “Fictitious Device”, Viviane Mehr.
2009, “Kandinsky’s Influence,
Peter Plagens.
2009 Two Coats of Paint, “Kandinsky’s Influence”,
Sharon Butler
2009 The Cornell Daily Sun,  “Pretty Paper”, Ann Lui

Fast Forward Magazine,  “medium musings:,  Janelle Dubeau.

2006 Avenue Magazine, "MAN ON THE MOON"
2006 Galleries West Online, "a sudden change in pressure", Kay Burns.
2006 Gallieries West. Summer, "Abstractions Bold New Face",
Douglas MacLean
2006 Swerve, Calgary, March, 'Pressure Points', Travis Reynolds
2006 Calgary Herald, Calgary, February, 'Celebrating Paint', Jennifer Mcveigh
2005 Eye Weekly, Toronto, February, Eye Candy, David Balzer
2005 Where Magazine, Calgary, March, "Nine Artists Rising", Melanie Jones
2004 National Post, Canada, Novermber, "Brush Strokes of What's to Come" Julia Dault
2003 The Georgia Straight, Vancouver, April. "Art Crawl", Doretta Lau
2001 Parachute, February. "Manifestation internationale d'art de Québec", Bernard Lamarche
2000 Le Devoir, Montréal, September. "Parcours d'initiation", David Cantin
2000 The Daily Gleaner, Fredericton, August. "Work assaults senses", Ray Cronin
2000 Voir, Montréal, February. "Lumiéres de la ville", Nicolas Mavrikakis
2000 La Presse, Montréal, February. "Cellules et confiseries", Jennifer Couèlle
1998 Voir, Montréal, December. "Évenéments de l'année - Top 10 arts visuels", Nicolas Mavrikakis
1998 Voir, Montréal, September. "Le theatre de l'espace", Stephane Aquin
1998 Le Devoir, Montréal, June. "Peintures hybrids", Bernard Lamarche
1998 The Gazette, Montréal, June. "Making and unmaking of art", Henry Lehmann
1998 Voir, Montréal, June. "Retour Sur Peinture Peinture", Stephane Aquin
1997 VUE Magazine, Edmonton, November. "Eye-catchers greet gallery visitors", Lorraine Ressler
1996 BRAVO Network. The Arts Channel, September - December. "Arts News: Mark Mullin - artist Profile". Edited by Karen Roberts.
1996 SEE Magazine, Edmonton, August. "Alchemy Expressed in Art", Conrad McCallum
1996 VUE Magazine, Edmonton, August. "Turning Paint to Gold", Ken Ilcisin
1995 Canadian Art Magazine, October. Fast Forward Section - Prairies, Betty Anne Jordan
1995 CKUA Radio Network, October. "This Week in The Arts: 40 Degrees Celsius", Monica Miller
1995 Edmonton Journal, October. "Big Talk Backed With Bigger Talent", Charles Mandel
1995 St. Albert Gazette, January. "Artists Chronicle Parallel Journeys", Richard Cairney

Werstern Juror -  RBC Painting Competition


Board  of Governor, Glenbow Museum, Calgary, AB


Artist Lecture, University of Calgary Fine Art Department and Graduate Studies, Calgary, AB

2004 Catalogue essay for Robbin Deyo exhibition, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge
2004 Board Member of Truck Gallery, Calgary, AB
2003 Artist Lecture, Suffolk County Community College, Long Island, New York, USA
2002 Artist Lecture, "Art Now - Presentation of Painting", University of Lethbridge, AB
2002 Artist Lecture, "Painting as Defence", Artspace, Peterborough, ON
2001 Artist Lecture - Universities Arts Association Conference, "The Mystique of Risk in Painting Now", UQUAM, Montréal, QC
2001 Bishop's University Graduating Students Exhibition Jury Member, Lennoxville, QC
2000 Artist Lecture, McClure Gallery, Montréal, QC
2000 Artist Lecture, Gallery Connexion, Fredericton, NB
2000 Bishop's University Gallery Jury Member, Lennoxville, QC
1997 Jury member for Graduate Submissions, Concordia University, Montréal, QC
1995 Artist Lecture, Harcourt House Gallery, Edmonton, AB
1995 Founding Member, Promotions Director,and Exhibition Chair of AGGREGATE, Visual Arts Society of Edmonton, Edmonton, AB
1995 Board Member of Latitude 53 gallery, Edmonton, AB
2012 - 2003

Sessional Instructor - First Year Studies. Alberta College of Art and Design, AB

2005 Sessional Instructor - First Year Studies. Alberta College of Art and Design, AB
2002 Assistant Professor - Painting. University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB
2002- Instructor - Beginner Level Painting I, Advanced Painting II/III, Drawing I
2001- Advanced Drawing II/III, Advanced Open Media Studio Research.
2002 Bishop's University, Lennoxville, QC
2000 Instructor - Independent Studies in Painting. Bishop's University, Lennoxville, QC
1999 Art Director, 2nd DVD Cameraman and Assistant Sound for "Red Run" - National Film Board documentary short. Director Murray Jurak
1998 Lecture/Tutorial Advisor - FFAR 250: The Visual and Performing Arts in Canada. Concordia University, Montréal, QC
1997 Teaching Assistant - Painting 440, Painting 200, Painting 3/4/450. Concordia University, Montréal, QC.
2000 Teaching Assistant - Art 460 Analysis of Great Works of Art - deconstructing the canon. Concordia University, Montréal, QC